Petzl Pirana Descender
Variable friction canyoning descender
The PIRANA descender offers multiple braking options and can be installed on the rope without removing it from the harness. Designed for use with canyoning descent techniques. It also offers 2 points where the rope can be angled to adjust the descent speed. A plastic attachment ensures perfect support for any type of HMS locking carabiner. The Pirana can also be used to belay the leader.
Two supplementary braking spurs allow friction to be varied during descent
Three different braking positions to select from before beginning a descent
A carabiner with a cross section of 12 mm(e.g. ATTACHE) provides a tight fit in the small hole, creating a "rigid" carabiner / descender unit
Stays securely attached to the harness during rope insertion, to help prevent loss
Reduces the risk of leverage on the carabiner gate due to poor positioning
When used correctly, the PIRANA prevents the formation of a lark's head knot around the body and reduces kinks in the rope, without decreasing braking friction
Technical specifications
For use on ropes from 8-13 mm
Designed for single rope
Can be used on double ropes, but certain braking positions may not be usable depending on the ropes diameter
For use with a locking carabiner having a 12 mm cross section (ATTACHE or WILLIAM)